Damn!" this comment was likely fueled by a large intake of pork roll, egg, and cheese, a common drug at the time. Geen Ween is quoted as saying, "I love hippie music. Their god and mascot, the "Boognish", is a small pink kitten with a large buttox. Gene Ween plays the organ and the electric acoustic guitar, while Dean Ween writes all the band's material. The band is known for humorous, vulgar songs and a drug-induced sound, with musical styles ranging from experimental rock to alternative rock, funk, soul, country, gospel, prog, psychedelia, R&B, heavy metal, punk rock, and polka. Recently they have accomplished being certified Bronze by the RIAA and selling 5,000 albums altogether. 33333 shows a year to crowds of two (including themselves). With hit singles such as " Ocean Man", "Ocean Man", and "Ocean Man", their humble beginnings have evolved into playing. Thousands of home recordings later, Ween collected a large underground fanbase, despite being generally unknown in pop music. They came to power when the Boognish stole their souls and forced them to smoke all the bananas and blow in Quebec. The pair became known as Gene and Dean Ween, despite them not being brothers in any way, shape, or form. They formed in 1984 in A New Hope, Pennsylvania when forever-young nursery rhymers Aaron Freeman and Mickey Melchiondo met in a junior high school glee club. Ween is an American alternative post-modern pop rock brown magical sound-making group. Notice how happy they are, that's because they think you're a giant piece of toast with strawberry jam on it.